Main Research Fields
Inorganic materials chemistry, Surface and interface chemistry, Biomineralization, Nanoparticles for applications in drug delivery, in vivo sensing and catalysis, Energy processes (thermoelectric, photonics, phononics, light harvesting)
Scientific Career
1996 | Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry (C4) at JGU Mainz |
1991 | Associate Professor (C3), Inorganic Chemistry, JGU Mainz |
1989 | Research associate, Ames Laboratory/Iowa State University, Ames/IA, USA (H. F. Franzen) |
1987 - 1991 | Research associate, University of Münster, Habilitation: 1993 |
1984 - 1986 | Postdoctoral fellow, Cornell University, Ithaca/NY, USA (R. Hoffmann) |
1984 | Postdoctoral fellow, DESY/HASYLAB, Hamburg |
1974 - 1984 | Chemistry Studies at the Universities of Bielefeld and Münster and at Brookhaven Natl. Laboratory (Diploma 1980, PhD 1984, B. Krebs) |
Scholarships, Awards and Honors
Since 2009 | Member DAAD selection panels |
Since 2006 | Associate Editor Journal of Solid State Chemistry |
Since 2004 | Board Member of the Schmidt Minerva Center (Weizmann Institute, Israel) |
Since 2001 | Member University Senate |
2002 - 2006 | Board of trustees Stiftung für Innovation / Rheinland-Pfalz |
2002 | Offer Full Professorship at the University of Essen (declined) |
2001 - 2007 | Evaluation panel “Jugend forscht” (state level) |
2001 - 2002 | Board of trustees „Lernort Labor“ (IPN Kiel) |
1993 - 1998 | Chairman of the GDCh-Ortsverband Mainz-Wiesbaden |
1994, 1995 | Offers Full Professorships at the FU Berlin and Groningen (declined) |
1991 - 1996 | Lecturer Award (Dozentenstipendium des Fonds der Chem. Industrie) |
1989 | Bennigsen-Foerder-Award of the Federal State of Nordrhein-Westfalen |
1989 | Heinrich Hertz Fellowship |
1987 - 1989 | Liebig-Fellowship (Fonds der Chemischen Industrie) |