Main Research Fields
My current research focuses on computational chemical and biological physics of condensed molecular systems, such as liquids, macromolecules and interfaces, using a wide variety of methods ranging from first principles molecular dynamics, to force field-based and mixed Quantum Mechanics/ Molecular Mechanics -based MD. Current projects includes: (i) understanding structure and reactivity of interfaces, with particular focus on oxide/water, water/vapour and water/hydrophobic interfaces; (ii) vibrationalmspectroscopy from first principles, in particular surface specific Sum Frequency Generation from Molecular dynamics simulations
Scientific Career
Since 2010 | Junior Professor of Condensed Matter Theory (W1) at the JGU Mainz |
2005 - 2010 | Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Cambridge (UK) |
2001 - 2004 | Postdoctoral fellow at ETH Zurich and EPFL Lausanne (Switzerland) |
1998 - 2001 | Graduate studies of Condensed Matter Physics at SISSA (Italy) |
2000 | Teaching Qualification (Secondary Education, Italy) |
1999 | Magister Philosophiae in condensed Matter Physics (SISSA, Italy) |
1998 | Corso di perfezionamento in Fisica University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy |
1992 - 1997 | Undergraduate studies (Physics) at University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy |
Scholarships, Awards and Honors
2010 | Start-up Grant of 400.000 Euros from the Carl Zeiss Foundation for Computer Simulations in Material Science |
2010 | CINES: Gran Defi – Computational Grant 2.000.000 cpus hours |
2006, 2007 | ETISP and ETISP2: “Electron Transfer in Iron-Sulfur Proteins” Grants within DEISA Extreme Computing Initiative |
2002 | Postdoctoral Fellowship by the Swiss National Foundation (#21-5725099) |
2000 | Award winner of Progetto Giovani Ricercatori (young research award) |
1998 | Six months INFM research grant in the group of Prof. C. Di Castro |